Monday, July 31, 2006
@ 11:35 PM )
its been ages and eons since i last updated. hahha red rain! as usual life's been busy and hard, ups and downs, joys and sadness. that's why it's called life right! but apart from all these, life's been full of purpose and rewarding because i'm living for Him. indeed time passes tens times as fast in church than normal. its been 9 months of walking with Christ already. and boy oh boy, it sure is great. whether its 9 months or 9 years, it's going to be like that forever.

what's this i see? a sjc field trip to church? no its revival happening. and the visual impact is enough to just make you impressed and awed.
church's really been happening the past few weeks. theres so many types of sundays now. we have IJ Sunday, Popcorn Sunday, Jersey Sunday, Tissue Sunday, CAP Sunday etc. no wonder sunday's a happy day.
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